Eternity Stamped In Her Eyes

Imagine a world with me for a moment where we all had one goal. Where all of our focus was on one thing only- a long sought-after destiny that the entire world was working together to reach. Like an Olympic team training for the gold, imagine a singular laser focus towards a united end-point. A point completely bought into by every single member of the team, one worthy of the complete and utter dedication of each individual- to the sacrifice of family, friends, even our own identity. Can you imagine it? Where every single decision was made with that final destination in mind. Where every interaction with others pointed to furthering the cause. In short a life wholly devoted to a single, endpoint in mind- reckless in fervor, utterly sold-out to the prize. 

What a thing to behold! 

What a lifestyle to attain!

What a God Who is worthy of such abandon!

Dear ones, I’ve been challenged of late to up my game. I believe the Holy Spirit is challenging us all to MORE. If indeed our calling is to walk like Christ then our vision must be like His was as well- laser focus on heaven, single-minded in winning souls to the Father, reckless in word and deed to radically alter the trajectory of Man. 

If only everything we said and did was filtered through the light of heaven! What a veil to see the world by! Jesus saw no less than eternity in everything He did. He spoke with forever words. Every decision, to go or stay, speak or stay silent, turn left or right was made with His Father’s house in mind. He walked with feet directed by the eternal, his every step dictated by how each would echo in eternity. 

It was a radical lifestyle. 

May we dare to walk in those footsteps?

How would this single end-game change the way you live dear sister? What would it alter in your words and actions today? Who would you speak with? Which paths would you walk? What about your life plus change to join such a Cause- wholly abandoned to its Purpose? 

Today join me in walking in the path of the fearless. May we find a new lens to see the world through; viewing every situation- good, bad, or ugly- as a way to further glorify our Heavenly Father. To walk and talk, thing, speak, and act within the light of eternity here on earth….

“For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

How I long for a heart like this! To be poured out for Him on the altar of sacrifice for the sake of others. To live with eternity stamped on my eyes so that I look at every difficulty in life as an opportunity for people to see the sufficiency of His truth and His power. How I long to remember that whatever I’m enduring is temporal. Eternity awaits, and how I handle this situation will bring me an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison. -Kay Arthur (Lord Give Me A Heart For You) 


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